Dixie Art Colony Foundation

A Retrospective of the Works of Carlos Alpha “Shiney” Moon

–by Mark Andrew Harris, DAC Foundation Founder & Director Due to COVID-19, our 2020 exhibition and lecture series titled "A Retrospective of the Works of Carlos Alpha Moon," initially rescheduled for September 2021, has been postponed. We are now tentatively looking at the spring of 2022. However, we have not

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Abstract Works from the Collection: Part Two

In PART-TWO of this four-part series, we will look at three works  of abstraction by Dixie Art Colony artist CALOS ALPHA "SHINEY" MOON and two works by Dixie Art Colony artist RICHARD BLAUVELT COE included in the DAC Foundation Collection. We have included a description under each work of art shown and

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

The Story Behind the Founding of the DAC Foundation: Part Two

With growing frequency, we are asked what sparked the founding of the DAC Foundation. The answer is a rather lengthy story with numerous twists and turns that we will share in a series of blog posts. Through these posts—we will also share information about individuals and experiences that were key

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

DAC Foundation Planning for a New Home

On July 1, 2021, Dixie Art Colony Foundation founder and director Mark Harris announced expansion plans for the foundation. Harris stated, "Based on mounting interest in the foundation and the rapid growth of the art collection, it's time to start planning for a more extensive and permanent facility." Recently an

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

DAC Foundation Donations Continue to Soar

We are pleased to announce that during the past 60 days, an additional 53 WORKS OF ART have been donated to the DAC Foundation. The donations include watercolor paintings, oil paintings, and drawings. Our latest acquisitions include works by Richard Burrell Brough, Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, Donnave Brennan Lindsey, Susie

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

The Story Behind the Founding of the DAC Foundation: Part One

With growing frequency, we are asked what sparked the founding of the DAC Foundation. The answer is a rather lengthy story with numerous twists and turns that we will share in a series of blog posts. Through these posts—we will also share information about individuals and experiences that were key

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Fifth Richard Brough Painting Acquired

The DAC Foundation is pleased to announce another painting by Dixie Art Colony artist Richard Brough has been added to the collection. Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland recently donated this painting in honor of her sister Elberta Gibbs Reid. This painting was purchased by Mary Carolyn directly from Richard Brough. Brough

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Barbara B. Davis Paintings Added to DAC Foundation Collection

Two oil portraits by River Region artist Barbara Binford Davis have been added to the DAC Foundation "New Generation Collection." The "New Generation Project" began in 2016 at the Fitzpatrick-Mehearg Farm located in Elmore, Alabama, where the DAC Foundation held a program about the history of the property once owned by Governor Benjamin Fitzpatrick

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Another Mystery Solved

It certainly is not unusual for signatures to be challenging to read. Several years ago, the daughter of DAC co-founder Warree LeBron showed me a watercolor painting that she said was painted at Warree's restart of the Dixie Art Colony in Coosa County, Alabama. This revival started in 1955 and

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Dixie Art Colony Foundation


We continue to be thankful for the positive feedback we receive from our FOLLOWERS through emails, our Facebook page, and our website. Below are a few examples of the MANY KIND NOTES we have received over the past few months. Please know your comments are appreciated. Arthur Walter Stewart, Dixie Art

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