Abstract Works from the Collection: Part Two
In PART-TWO of this four-part series, we will look at three works of abstraction by Dixie Art Colony artist CALOS ALPHA "SHINEY" MOON and two works by Dixie Art Colony artist RICHARD BLAUVELT COE included in the DAC Foundation Collection. We have included a description under each work of art shown and
The Story Behind the Founding of the DAC Foundation: Part Two
With growing frequency, we are asked what sparked the founding of the DAC Foundation. The answer is a rather lengthy story with numerous twists and turns that we will share in a series of blog posts. Through these posts—we will also share information about individuals and experiences that were key
DAC Foundation Planning for a New Home
On July 1, 2021, Dixie Art Colony Foundation founder and director Mark Harris announced expansion plans for the foundation. Harris stated, "Based on mounting interest in the foundation and the rapid growth of the art collection, it's time to start planning for a more extensive and permanent facility." Recently an