Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteerism is Enriching and Educational

Volunteers serve as the backbone of our organization. In addition to helping advance the mission of the Dixie Art Colony Foundation, volunteers gain access to special volunteer-only lectures, programs, and behind-the-scenes activities. Volunteers meet interesting people, make new friends, contribute to the education of children, and become an integral part of the arts community.

Below are additional details regarding specific opportunities. Should you have any questions email us at: info@DixieArtColony.org

Ambassadors support the Foundation in many ways. This group donates time by serving as advocates throughout the community on behalf of the DAC Foundation. Ambassadors are also asked to assist with membership drives and fundraisers.
Docents play a key role in fulfilling the DAC Foundation’s commitment to the community. Docents are trained to facilitate discussions and tours that provide art experiences for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. Docents share their deep passion for art, culture, and learning to help visitors experience the wonder of art. As part of their training, docents are asked to attend and participate in our Lunch & Learn programs.
Teen Volunteers can assist the DAC Foundation in a variety of ways including Programs, Lectures, and Receptions. The experience is intended to be one of enrichment where adult volunteers form a mentoring relationship with the teen volunteer. Teens also have the opportunity to attend workshops facilitated by Foundation staff and adult volunteers. Those ages 16 through 18 are invited to apply. In addition to long-term, ongoing support, we do offer some short-term volunteer opportunities to accommodate or satisfy the variety of volunteer, service learning, or community service requirements of many high schools.

Start learning with us today by enrolling as a volunteer

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Youth Artist
DAC Foundation Award

The first annual Youth Award was selected from entries in the Elmore County Art Guild's Sparking the Arts program which took place in May of 2018. The recipient was presented with an award and a cash incentive prize.


About Our Programs

The majority of our programs are designed to offer small groups of individuals an up-close and personal opportunity to learn more about the visual arts in a casual setting. While some of our programs will venture outside the south, most will focus on the Southern Region, particularly Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Mississippi.

There will be a small fee to attend some of our programs while others such as Lunch & Learn are entirely free of charge, open to the general public, and do not require reservations. Our more in-depth four-session programs do require reservations and a small fee is charged. Volunteers will receive a discount.

For more information about program dates and times, see our events schedule.

Lunch & Learn Programs

  • LengthMost programs are 60 to 90-minute programs that take place during the lunch hour.
  • 2021 TermPrograms have been suspended due to COVID-19.
  • Apply tillSome do require reservations.
  • StipendFREE
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About Our Lunch & Learn Programs

Each program will feature an art related video and a brief presentation related to the video. Lunch and beverages will be provided.

Field Trips

We are in the process planning several exciting fileld trips. The trips will range from half-day outings to full-day-outings.

Please check back later for more information.

Inquire About Upcoming Trips

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirments to register for our Volunteer & Learn Programs?

Volunteer & Learn Programs are open to any individual 16 years of age or older. The programs are primarily designed to provide enrichment for our volunteers. However, non-volunteers may register for a fee of $45. Volunteers receive a discount of $30 in exchange for a pledge of six hours of volunteer service.

What types of volunteer opportunities are available?

A wide variety of volunteer opportunities are available form addressing envelopes to assisting with programs and receptions. For more information about becoming a volunteer, check out our Volunteer Application.

Download volunteer application form

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