Join the DAC Foundation in Andalusia, Alabama

Beginning on SEPTEMBER 29 and continuing through OCTOBER 28, 2022, the Dixie Art Colony Foundation will partner with the City of Andalusia, Covington County Historical Society, and ReAct Theatre & Arts to present a series of events in downtown Andalusia.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Martha Moon (Kracke) and Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon

The exhibition, titled "A Retrospective of the Works of Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon," will open with a 2:00 pm reception on October 2, 2022, at the Andalusia City Hall located at 505 East Three Notch Street. The exhibition will continue through October 28, 2022. The first in a series of programs titled "All About Shiney Moon" will take place at 6:30 pm on September 29, 2022, in the Andalusia City Hall Auditorium.

A presentation titled "Dixie Art Colony: A Look at its Lasting Legacy" will take place at 2:00 pm on October 9, 2022, in the Andalusia City Hall Auditorium. "Andalusia's Murals: A Walking Tour" will begin at 10:00 am on October 15, 2022, at 200 South Three Notch Street.

Thank you to the City of Andalusia, Covington County Historical Society, and ReAct Theatre & Arts for sponsoring this series of events. All events are FREE and open to the public. Check this page each week during October 2022 for updates.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Moonlight on Pickle Hill  |  Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, c. 1945 | CAM-2022.AW.0001 | Oil On Canvas, 29.75 x 23.75 inches |  Gift of Mobile Museum of Art

This dreamlike example of Moon’s work demonstrates his signature style of distorted realism. This painting was included in the 2004 traveling exhibition titled “Tales from the Easel: American Narrative Paintings from Southeastern Museums, circa 1800–1959.” In this exhibition, Moon’s painting hung alongside works of well-known American painters such as Thomas Hart Benton, Francis William Edmonds, William Glackens, Robert Gwathmey, Childe Hassam, Edward Hicks, Winslow Homer, Jack Levine, Reginald Marsh, and Andrew Wyeth.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Shell Road Post Office, Coden  | Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, c. 1950 | CAM-2022.AW.0004 | Watercolor on Paper, 23 x 27 inches |  Gift of Mobile Museum of Art

This large watercolor was included in the following exhibitions: “Art in Embassies,” in Bucharest, Romania, 2011; “The Bayou Painters: South Alabama’s Art Colony (1946–1953),” Mobile Museum of Art, 2006; Published in the February 2006 issue of “American Art Review.”

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Florala Peanut Shelling Plant | Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, n.d. | CAM-2021.AW.0005 | Watercolor on Paper, 15 x 22 inches | Gift of Martha Moon Kracke

The subject of this watercolor painting is the Zorn Peanut Shelling Plant once located in Florala, Alabama.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Bayou Landscape I | Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, n.d. | CAM-2018.AW.0004 | Watercolor on Paper, 7.5. x 5.75 inches  |  Gift of the Rankin Estate, Atlanta, GA

This painting is one of a group of Moon’s works donated by the Rankin Estate. The Rankin family were neighbors of the Moon family in Andalusia, Alabama.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Florala Tung Mill  | Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, 1953 | CAM-2016.AW.0003 | Watercolor on Board, 30 x 22 inches  |  Gift of Martha Moon Kracke

This large watercolor painting was included in the 1953 Watercolor Society of Alabama exhibition held at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. Many years ago, the Tung Oil business was a major industry in Covington County, Alabama.

Dixie Art Colony Foundation

Holiday | Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, c. 1953 | CAM-2016.AW.0002 | Watercolor on Paper, 14.75 x 21.5 inches | From the collection of Mark Andrew Harris, Prattville, Alabama

During the 1950s, Shiney Moon began experimenting with abstraction. This experimentation was inspired by University of Alabama art professor Richard Zoellner and New England artist Morris Davidson.


More About Shiney Moon

For more information about Carlos Alpha "Shiney" Moon, follow this link.


City of Andalusia

For more information about the beautiful and family-friendly city of Andalusia, follow this link.


Andalusia's Outdoor Murals

To learn more about Andalusia's amazing outdoor murals, follow this link.


Other Places to see in Andalusia

To learn more about other things to see in the city of Andalusia, follow this link.


Three Notch Museum

To learn more about the Three Notch Museum and the Covington County Historical Society, follow this link.


ReAct Theatre & Arts

To learn more about the ReAct Theatre & Arts, follow this link.


Copyright © 2015 – 2025 Dixie Art Colony™ Foundation